The Carter Center & F.I. Proctor Foundation
10,374 People Reached
We support The Carter Center and the F.I. Proctor Foundation at UCSF in their efforts to see how water sanitation and hygiene education will help reduce trachoma infections. What’s trachoma? It’s the world’s leading infectious eye disease that can lead to blindness and is impacting lives in more than 50 countries.
Their focus is on separating waste and how washing your face/hands can help prevent trachoma, which is most commonly found in children 1-10 years old in Ethiopia.
Soap is expensive and not easily availably to the people within the communities where the research is being conducted. They are providing two bars of soap per family each month, a wash station for each house hold (a plastic can with a plastic cap covering) and are also teaching hygiene education. Ten health promotion workers distribute the soap and promote hygiene education. Each worker represents two communities and is a local in the communities they serve. Just like us, The Carter Center and UCSF understand the importance of supporting the communities they serve rather than infiltrate with outside sources. The soap they distribute is also made in Ethiopia. They also recognize how hygiene education can better resonate within the communities if the lessons are taught by a familiar person who understands and is a part of the culture.
Partner Details
UCSF F.I. Proctor Foundation
The Francis I. Proctor Foundation for Research in Ophthalmology is an internationally renowned, privately endowed Organized Research Unit at the University of California San Francisco. The Foundation is dedicated to research and training in infectious and inflammatory ocular diseases, and the application of this research to the prevention of blindness worldwide. It is recognized as the pre-eminent center in the world for this discipline.
The activities of the Foundation include fellowship training, faculty research, medical group practice, and international research and training.
The Carter Center
A nongovernmental organization, The Carter Center has helped to improve life for people in more than 80 countries by resolving conflicts; advancing democracy and human rights; preventing diseases, and improving mental health care.