Sundara- Soap Recycling Myanmar
Yangon, Bago and Bagan, Myannmar
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Bordered by China, India, Laos, Bangladesh and Thailand, and home to over 135 different ethnic groups, this region still suffers scars from a military dictatorship. It’s the second poorest country in Asia and has the second worst health care system in the entire world (WHO). Soapbox and Sundara work in Myanmar to give the most basic health care available – SOAP – to children around the world in need. We train and hire local Burmese to collect and process hotel soap, distributing the new, sanitized version free of charge to schools and clinics while teaching about the benefits of good hygiene
Partner Details
Sundara was founded on the belief that preventable hygiene related deaths should not be happening anywhere in the world today. They work with traditionally underserved populations in developing countries whose risk of death from diseases like diarrhea and pneumonia is the highest. We combine our hygiene initiatives with community education, environmental preservation and female empowerment whenever possible to ensure holistic public health solutions for these communities in need
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