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Splash Nepal Water

Splash Nepal Water

Kathmandu, Nepal


90,503 daily

Start date: 01-01-2007
End date: 31-12-2020
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The city of Kathmandu is growing fastest of all other cities in Southeast Asia due to general population trends of moving from the countryside into urban centers and the desire of locals to find economic opportunities and escape a decades-long civil war. Because of this urban growth, water quality levels have been affected. More than 70% of the water sources in the Kathmandu Valley was found to be contaminated with e Coli in randomized water tests, contributing to a 130% higher rate of diarrheal diseases among the urban poor compared to their wealthier peers in the same city. On top of this, they also pay up to 3x as much as their wealthier peers for the same water.

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Splash's goal at present is to ensure sustainable WASH (Water, Sanitation & Hygiene) in schools projects in all 650 public schools in Kathmandu- schools serving the poorest children in the city. Splash also is partnering with the Nepali government to ensure every student attending school will have access to clean water and working, clean toilets. They are on track to achieve these lofty goals through strong local teams. 

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